Friday, August 14, 2009


I miss Steven so much :(
Thats all. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Home again !!!

My last two weeks in the city went by so fast !!! Steven went home Sunday :( :( :( Not fair. My birthday was exactly 2 weeks ago. Dana and Laura came to celebrate the big 2-1. We went to the B bar and grill for dinner. It had a really cool garden inside and the food was really good too. After we went to some bars around there and then back to brooklyn for a few more drinks then food.  

Waiting in the extremely hot subway 

Dana and Laura !!!
Diner :) 

Steven got me 3 books on Camille Rose Garcia's art, a dress and some other things. But these are by far my favorite things he got me !!!

Photobooth with Steven :) 

I'm all moved out of the apartment and back at home attempting to unpack and get everything sorted but I just can't find to motivation to do it :( Steven moves into his flat in Ashford today !! YAY Steven !!!