So... its been awhile but when there is nothing going on there really isn't much to blog about. This week picked up (finally!) I went home for memorial day weekend and it took about 4 hours to get home when its suppose to take like 2-2 1/2. My sister and her boyfriend Thom came home friday too. Sean and I got up to our usual ptown shenanigans. Went to coldstone and split a cookie mintster (my fav) and when driving around we saw a carnival and decided to check it out. I won't go into much detail there because there is really nothing to talk about. We walked around and got cotton candy and watched all the obnoxious/annoying 14 year olds. After all the excitement of the evening I went to bed. Saturday my sister, Thom and I had margaritas and daiquiris by the pool while John grilled. Laura Pumo picked me up later and we rented Choke.
It followed the book but I don't know I wasn't very impressed with the movie itself. I mean it wasn't horrible but something was
just kind of weird/off. I don't know !Got back the city late Sunday night. Monday was memorial day just kind of got back into things had dinner at this sushi place over on
Court st with alyson and went to the chocolate room dessert. So good! Tuesday went to my internship same for wednesday but I had to go into Manhattan first to get
some fabric for Christian. Thursday learned how to make expresso and such at the cafe (i'm just getting trained so they can have someone on call)
Friday internship and first day of work which went okay. Yesterday Dana, her cousin and our friend Bryan came to the city and we went to the zoo !!!
Dana and I went to the Chocolate Room and I had a chocolate creme brulee which was amazing.

Oh yeah my sunglasses broke yesterday! they were on my head and they just popped and broke.. really cool :(

I bought a dress at this store called Lucia. I saw it and I couldn't help myself

Work was busier than Friday night which was nice.
love the dress, laura!